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Saturday, 15 February 2014

Dirt Bags

We're all dirt bags.... at some point in our life. These ones are refined and calculated, sleek and writhing in dark connotations. Or they're just awesome bags... who knows?

Available here:

Green Rockin'

Met up with the boys and bashed this one out in golden light before downing a brewery and heading off into the night. Life's gotta be interesting!

Green Rock Vintage is where to find these threads. I rock 'em all the time.

Somehow I had time to get this shot while photographing! Double trouble

Green Rock Vintage - Autumn Summer from Heal by Photo on Vimeo.


Into the ocean we sailed as salty wind and water etched a feeling in their souls. There's adventure all around she cried and descended wilfully into Joy.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


There comes a moment, shortly after the birth of a creative idea, when that concept takes flight. Driven by it's inspiration it ricochets around the ether, catalysing the necessary participants and forging the path to it's creation. It's energy attracts and defects as it carves out it's place in the world. Fleeting as beauty can be, it's affect is everlasting. Art lives on in the minds of those who are ready to accept it into themselves, and the golden chain of inspiration generates more links that date back before the beginning of time, and on long into the future.

Like everything pure it has it's enemies. A concept, like a child, is under attack is from the moment of inception. There is always a darkness in which light exists. Without its energy the brightness of the inspired live without contrast in which to exist. Darkness holds the world in place, the light makes it discernible to the universe. Concepts exist and orbit erratically before falling into the parabola of their system. They gleam in the light of their chosen star, watched in equal wonder by their neighbouring eyes.

An angel falls like an idea among the blind, caged lightly by her lack of inhibitions, accompanied only by the joy of peace. A darkness inside and to rest upon, it makes a layer of her beauty. The light and the shade forge her form and the light dances upon it. She personifies and writhes within the creativity from which she came. A message with out words is cast amongst her voyeurs.

Pearls glisten and eyes listen to the shimmer of souls, ever shrouded in the darkness, ever basking in the light. The glint of an eye that links reality to the moment of it's creation sheds sparks like fireworks that flit and flay until which time they spark another fire. And we begin again…..